I'm getting contacted on a daily basis to ask about ADHD help with diagnosis and support. So here is my take on it...
Think you have ADHD?
I wrote something about this on LinkedIn. I thought ADHD was something naughty boys who couldn't sit still had. But getting diagnosed at 41 - read my story here : Do you ever feel you're just not normal
How I got diagnosed (UK adults only)
It's not easy! This is what I did...
Made an appointment with my GP and say you want a referral to an adult ADHD specialist for an assessment.
Have a read of this and make some notes around this about how your suspected ADHD has impacted you - https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/diagnosis.html (yes it's an American site).
If you really want to, read this - https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/NG87 (essentially it says that NICE does support adult diagnosis in the UK. Do not take no for an answer.
Once they agree to refer you for diagnosis - do this - https://psychiatry-uk.com/right-to-choose (essentially write to your GP, using this template letter evoking the practically unknown 'Right to Choose' thing).
Give it a couple of weeks, and if you have not heard anything, follow up with a phone call to your GP to ask where they are at with the referral (I didn't have to do this bit, but in case you have to, be assertive, but nice and polite - repeat as necessary).
You'll hear from Psychiatry UK once they've organised all the paperwork/payments with your NHS trust.
They'll ask you to complete a few forms (and get your parents/partner/co-worker) to complete another form about the impact your suspected ADHD has on your life (and their life). Admin!
Once you've submitted the forms, you can book an online video call with a Psychiatrist (mine was so lovely - and really cool, having ADHD himself!)
If your Psychiatrist confirms your diagnosis (it was such a relief, I had a cry), then they'll discuss options with you for medication etc.
Helpful sites / humans
I’ve found this site really helpful - https://www.additudemag.com (it’s American - but has been useful)
If you are in the UK and employed or self-employed then there’s an option of getting support through access to work - like a human to help with all the admin stuff or adaptive technology - this is free. And I’m going through Michelle Dobson to get support - https://www.thisismeagency.co.uk
In terms of coaching - taking a strengths-based approach is best. ADHD coaching - https://www.simplywellbeing.com (don’t know him - but the website has been useful)
Will add more here - I'm late for a meeting :-)
And Your REWARD for making it through all this...
Watch this! (Warning though - it stays in your head!!)